Thursday, 30 August 2012

The First Post

*Rolls out the cyber carpet*

Hello and welcome to the blog of, by and for the students of Our Own English High School, Dubai - the Our Own Word. I'll dive in headfirst to the details of this blog as it stands right now:

This blog is meant for students to express their creativity - be it in the form poetry or prose, paint or pencil, photos or pepper pots - anything goes as long as it's creative and original.

This blog is currently open (regarding contribution) only to the students of the 11th and 12th grades - we just want to get our feet wet with a smaller pool of ideas before expanding to the other grades - once all the kinks are out, other grades can start contributing.

Submissions can be sent to [Include your name and class]

Students are welcome to comment and discuss ideas on posts - we're not aiming to replace Facebook [That would be ridiculous] , but we'd like to have a place to showcase creative talent and share it among the community.

Look forward to making this a success - and something the future batches can go through and continue!

[Shravanti Shankar]